Update no iui 😭😭😭


I ovulated early...i think..... Odds of bfp with sex 4 days before ovulation??

Well it looks like this round is going to be a bust...no <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> 😭 she said she was unable to tell by my bloodwork if I had ovulated or not???? Ok....thats weird...but still having bad ovulation pain and tmi very wet down there so I am 99% sure I have...so she said sex today and hope for the best...i am sure tonight when we finally get to will be way to late since I have been having pain since I woke up and all follicles were gone on my ultrasound at 7:45 this morning...ugh...the last time we had sex was Sunday and that's too far away...i am praying for a miracle now! On the plus side I don't have to buy another trigger shot because I never got to use it...

***Original Post****

Help!!!! Mid cycle scan and already ovulating!!! When I woke up this morning I just knew I was ovulating already...i get horrible ovulation pain...at my ultrasound nothing showed at all on the ultrasound...no follicles nothing and I always respond well to the meds...she said this probably means that I had ovulated right then. She sent me for blood work and said if I am ovulating we can still do the <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> today. Has anyone had this happen? Is it worth it because I had not triggered yet and will only prob have 1 follicle floating around?? We won't even be able to do it until after 12 because of where the husband is working 😭😭😭