I don’t know what’s going on!


Hey I was 12 weeks and 4 days pregnant when I went for my 2 scan to be told my baby had died at 11 weeks and I have had a delayed miscarriage u rang my partner as he was unable to attend as he’s in a open prison so timing and dates wasn’t always able to be approved etc to tell him we have lost our baby for him to ask how when where I said I’m not able to answer your question as I’m confused and unaware my self he asked if I was ok I said i get there are you ok he then said it don’t matter how I feel it won’t bring our baby Bk he then said he had to come of the phone as he is a mess I totally understood and said I’m here when you are ready I left the hospital to go home and give him a call as he works out side the prison so I was able to call and he blocked me from calling and WhatsApping and texting I was in shock thinking what the hell I rang from my sisters phone for it to ring and when he answered I asked him what’s going on he then hung up and blocked that number too I left him and said to my self I understand everyone grieves in different ways so I fort he needs his time it then came to Tuesday where I had to go bk for tests and to be booked in for surgery to have baby removed I got to the hospital didn’t hear nothing in till about 11 am from him baring in mind he blocked fine from 2pm the day before he rang I answered for him to ask where are u I said I’m at the hospital he said are they gonna scan you again just to check I said yes but they said it’s 100% baby has gone but they wanted to do a internal scan to check he said ok keep my updated and hung up no bye no nothing I had my scan he rang me Bk as I refused to call him after the way he’s been and said yeah what’s going on I said the baby has definitely gone he was like ok cool what happens now I said they are booking me for surgery tomorrow he said what’s gonna happen I explain they are gonna put me to sleep and do the vacuum surgery to remove baby he was like then what I said the lady gave me a form where we can get the baby buried he said ok did u sign I said not yet as it’s not just something I can do without asking u he said ok well sign it so I did he then got in to a conversation saying I can’t understand it but what I’m gonna say next il rather not cos u want like it I said nothing u can say will hurt me anymore then I’m hurting now he was like I blame u u wasn’t eating (I had really bad sickness I was eating just not a great amount he wanted me to eat) and you wasn’t sleeping I said I was not going the full night but I was napping during the day he basically made up in his head that I killed our child because of these things he said I fully blame u I said ok bye and hung up he didn’t call Bk but then tired to video call me a few hours later I ignored all of the calls due to not understanding him and his actions at all went back to the hospital the next day to have my surgery he didn’t call he knew I had to be there for 7.30am and where it was etc he didn’t call I sent him a message saying I believe we are fully broken you have showed me a complete different side I never fort il see he then sent me a message saying I’m in a meeting at work I said it’s ok do what u gotta do he then said he didn’t wanna speak about it anymore as he’s finding it so hard and he can’t get his head around it and he don’t no what to do he then said he needs time I said i hope you get where u need to be and il give u ur time I’m stepping back he then said thanks baring in mind I was going down for surgery I just turned my phone of and left it I came round and was put in to recovery and I turned my phone on to see a message saying I hope it ok I really do I’m sorry I can’t be how u want me to be I didn’t reply I then was getting ready to leave he calls me I answer but I just couldn’t stop crying he said u ok I said no he heard me crying and said I’m going Bk to work and hung up he’s been so distant to me and won’t hear me speak about the baby he says he’s going Bk to work or I’m being disrespectful not hearing that he don’t wanna speak about the baby he actions have been so horrible just the fact he blocked me on Monday when I found out and then blamed me on the Tuesday and then on the weds when I was having surgery he didn’t bother I actually am so heart broke cow I believe this is the end of us he asked if I want to try again and did I even want the baby and how if I do fall pregnant we can’t have any communication cos I argue for nothing or get stressed when i don’t I only have a row when he goes on stupid im actually so lost this was only yesterday I had my surgery and he’s now telling me we can talk about anything but that I feel like I’m treading on egg shells I just don’t no how it’s going or what to do with it all I keep making excuses for him saying everyone deals with it differently but the way he’s been is shocking what do I do how can I move on?