Rainbow baby


I have two children from a previous marriage that are 11 and 8 years old. My DH and I were TTC for 9 months and finally got a positive test. We were so excited and rushed and told everyone. 4 days later I was at work and was in pain. I went to the bathroom and there was blood. I immediately freaked out and then tried to calm myself. Maybe I was overreacting?? But I called my husband and he took me to the er. It was the worse day of our lives. We both cried and we both laid in bed for 3 days while I rested to recover from the miscarriage. We talked about everything and agreed that we want to try again once my body was ready. It’s been 2 months and I have had one period. I took a test yesterday and it was positive. We are both super excited but at the same time I’m scared.. why did this happen? Did I do something wrong? Could I have prevented it? I logically know the answers are no.. I know there is nothing I did and nothing I could have done.. but my heart still thinks there could have been. But with those questions, I have a million emotions about being pregnant again... I know miscarriages are common but they are rarely talked about. Can you ladies please tell me what you did to help you afterwards? I need guidance please!! I just want to be 100% happy and not so scared...