Babysitting struggles

Rose • Billy💕🔐 William Raleigh•Bradley Benjamin•Bentley Joseph

sorry for the long post.

So we have a wedding for my cousins at the end of August and it’s no kids allowed, which annoys me but it’s not my wedding🤷🏻‍♀️

Anywho we obviously need someone to watch our son who will be 9 months when the wedding comes. This will be the first time someone will be babysitting him. I’m a stay at home mom and we don’t go out much lol

We live with my SO parents and it would just be easier to have them watch him for the night. But I don’t think I’m comfortable with them watching him. I know they mean well but I’ve seen them watch the other grandkids and they don’t do too good of a job at it. And I would want my parents in a heart beat watch him but they’re going to the wedding as well lol

My SO has a bunch of siblings too but one has 4 kids of her own and I don’t want to bother her adding another and the other 2 would be fine but I know they would want to go out and do something while baby sitting and we don’t want anyone driving hi. Around. Yes we are crazy parents.

I’m leaning more towards having my best friend watch him because she one never leaves home has a 2 year old daughter and 5 other sisters that adore my baby and I know he would be being watch the whole time.

My SO is leaning more towards not going to the wedding with me to stay home with the baby and I’m really annoyed by that.

Has anyone else had this problem before.

Here’s a pic of my 7 months cutie