Wondering If These Are Early Signs


We’ve been actively trying so I’m anxious to see symptoms and take a test but I’m waiting till tomorrow morning to take my first early detection test since it’ll be five days before my period is due..

I’ve had tender/sore breasts for a week or so

I’m peeing a lot more than usual, been drinking the same amount that I used to, but I used to be able to pee before and after work (I know that’s probably bad) but now I have to pee before and after and at least two times while I’m there..

Diarrhea for almost a week but eating what I normally do?

Very very tired.. I haven’t napped after work in almost three years and now I have to almost every day..

Random food cravings, then I crave nothing and almost don’t want food at all.. I also feel bloated almost every day even when I don’t eat a ton of food..

Some cramping but doesn’t remind me of my past period cramps at all

Major acne within the past two weeks, especially around my jaw and neck, after having pretty much clear skin for a few years..

Backaches every day for the past two weeks

Slight headaches but nothing major..

I know a lot of pregnancy symptoms can correlate with period symptoms but I’ve never had any symptoms for my period other than intense cramping the day before my period starts. This months period is due to come on the 28th..