
This is what my boyfriend sent me:

And I didn’t respond for a couple hours because I was too busy throwing up and crying

I cried on and off for like 7 hours

When I did respond this is what I said:

This was his response to what I said

And then I didn’t really know how to respond so and he got off work and I cried for the longest time and he held me and said he was sorry we have to go through this and whatever..

I feel so lost... we are in a ldr and we are in our early twenties, I’m not finished with school yet, and I had a job for a long while but (I quit it in April due to being sexually harassed constantly by my managers and just haven’t found another one yet)...I plan to live with him by the end of this year but that is the least of my worries at this second. I’m crying as I type this. Im just so lost.

I don’t know really what I want y’all to say, I guess I just needed to vent, and to have people who have been through similar things.