Really need a pick me up ladies


Today was the day we find out how many eggs made it to day 7 .

A little back story , 15 eggs retrieved , 10 fertilized and now day 7 only 2 made it.

Both embryos would need further testing due to me and my husband having the same mutation in our DNA & our odds are 75% chance they will come out okay.

We won’t know for another two weeks and my doctor said it was very weird and rare for my eggs being my age reacted that way. ( I’m 26 btw )

Now we are only getting covered this time for the genetic testing and god forbid these embryos aren’t okay we will now have to wait a while before we can start this process all over again.

Just the thought of that is breaking my heart and it’s killing me. I feel so close but so afraid at the same time. I just want to be a mom so bad already .

I’m fighting my depression really hard right now and i feel like I’m getting sucked in and i can’t help it .

But i also feel like no one understands except for women going through the same thing.