Body complex made worse by insensitive comments.

Weight is something I have always struggled with. I was a very heavy set little girl and was made fun of for it a lot. I developed an eating disorder where I would drink one slim fast a day when I was in 8th grade. My family would think that I was eating but I wasn’t. To put it into prospective I’m 5’8 and at my worst I weighed 110. My husband (who I met my junior year of high school) saved my life. I honestly don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for him. I got up to a healthy weight but still had a hard time seeing the person in the mirror. We had our first baby and I gained even more. I felt absolute trash. Well we are now pregnant with our second baby. However, due to the c-section I had with my daughter I have started showing a lot sooner. Again for prospective I’m 20 weeks and the same size I was at 30ish weeks with my first. Well i went over to my in laws. My daughter ended up spilling paint all over my pants, she’s 2. It happens and it’s just washable paint. My MIL asked my sister in law if she had some sweats I could borrow. My sister in law literally looks me up and down and says “no, she’ll stretch them out” I literally burst into tears. I have tried so hard to be healthy for my husband and kids but all I want to do is be skinny. I want to wear my size 0 pants again. It hurts and I’m struggling.