Suicidal boyfriend

Hi everyone, I’ve been contemplating about sharing this but I figured that I need some advices.

I met my boyfriend last year in September during freshers and we got along pretty well and we got together after that. It has been a really bumpy journey due to his depression, suicidal attempts and his gambling addiction. Even though there were a few times he wanted to break up, I chose to stay because I knew he needed me and he only did it because he realised that he “lost himself” after dating. I guess it’s because it’s his first official relationship and he doesn’t know how to handle the dynamics of it. We both have ego and we are equally stubborn, but we try our best to make things work. Right now he’s thinking of ending himself if his parents chose to not let him return to uni. I’ve tried to tell him that uni is not the only option to have a future but he’s pretty certain about that. It’s not his first time being suicidal. Throughout our relationship he has attempted a few times and I manage to stop him everytime by reminding him the good parts of his life.

what do you guys think i should do?