Confirmed Ramzi Posts!


Hi All,

After having an early ultrasound I have spent weeks looking round the internet to find out about Ramzi and how to read the results!

I can now quote confidently see that my first child (placenta placement was to be on left) was a boy and with this pregnancy looks to be the opposite (both scans were done at 7.5 abdominally).

Now though I have read a lot of posts saying ramzi is false and my 13 week scan seems to be showing a boy nub! Confusing!

Wondering how many people’s ramzi (when read with confidence to be correct as there is a lot of confusion about understanding ramzi) turned out to be correct and if so could you post your scan so we can all see some confirmed scans to help the rest of us read ours!

Please state date. TV or AB. Confirmed gender.

Sorry for long post!