My husband’s friend can’t stand that I’m around

So, let me start off by saying that my husband has been abused his entire life. Physically by a step-father until we started dating two years ago, and mentally by literally everyone else. He’s severe ADHD and a relatively happy person, so obviously, people constantly made fun of him. So, when he met this chick at work and she had walls up to where she wasn’t friends with anyone, my sweet, sweet husband just HAD to befriend her. Which is fine. Friends are good. BUT HE IS HER ONLY FRIEND. And she is SO manipulative and selfish when it comes to him, it just boils my blood. She yells at him and puts him down, but doesn’t appreciate it when he sticks up for him so he doesn’t anymore. She will do nice things for him/us and then hold it over our heads to get us to do what she wants. And currently, I’m losing my pregnancy of our first baby and she keeps wanting us to come to her house when I’m just in constant pain and want to be in bed until this is all over. She thinks that it would be good for me to get out of the house and take my mind off of everything, but she’s had two healthy pregnancies and has NO IDEA what I’m going through right now and is being a bitch about it! I read some messages on my husband’s phone the other night where he told her that I was upset and didn’t wanna go anywhere, and she said that she didn’t care and she just wanted to hang out with her friend. And my blood BOILED. My beautiful husband can’t see the way she truly is, but I can. And I’m sick of him being treated the way he is and being manipulated into this friendship bc he’s used to being abused. I’ve had it. I will lose my MIND if I hear one more selfish or emotionally abusive thing come out of her mouth.