My Petty deed for the day


I was at work, I work at a shoe store. This woman came in and was being pretty rude, but I was nice of course. Well, I wouldn't let her use an expired coupon and she got mad and basically said that retail workers are scum and that we needed to get "real" jobs. Well, I was on my break and I went into this cafe that makes bomb cupcakes. I seen the very same woman looking at them, and she said she was going to go into the car to get her wallet. Well, my Petty ass bought all of the cupcakes they had left (only like 7-8) lol. The look on her face when she came back in was priceless. I gave them to my coworkers, kept one, and am giving my boyfriend one when I get home. Lol. Sooo Petty but oh well 🤦 I got a discount for buying them out so it was only $5 anyways lol

Edit: I remained anonymous because I figured I would recieve hate but I got the opposite!!! Thank you everyone for the kind words, and the cupcakes by the way were amazing 🖤