Helpppppp sorry it’s long

last year i talked to my grandpa about my boyfriend let’s call him logan. he told me at the end that he had a feeling about me and him and do not let go and it was this long rant. about a week later he was diagnosed with cancer and on july 6th he died. i was with him when he died. the day before i was in the hospital room and logan called and as soon as i said his name he smiled. that was his first movement in 1 week. me and him lasted a whole then some things happened with family and we had to end things. i am definitely not over him but my retarded ass got myself a boyfriend 2 months ago and hadn’t talked to logan in 3 months. not realizing it at all july 6th 2019 (a year since gpa died) i had a dream and in it my grandpa told me “baby you and logan are meant to be why are you with him” i woke up crying i don’t remember anything else from the dream at all. for the past few days i have been hearing my grandpas voice saying ransoms things like “logan” and “you love him” or “he loves you” multiple times a day. and today logan texted me and told me abt some stuff happening with his family and told me i was the only one who understands him and if i could talk to him. i told him i have his back more than his spine. and i’m a very religious person. i’m Christian. i have a feeling hearing my gpa was god talking to me in a way. am i crazy to think that? what do y’all think?