Hmm 🤔🤔 ( LONG! )

So this past week I started a different job & new hours (6-2:30) my bf would be home all day but as soon as I get home he will go to the neighbors house all day, like last night I made us dinner and everything while he was next door, I called him told him dinner was done he said ok I'll be there soon like 30 minutes to an hour go by he comes home I'm in the bathroom he knocks and says ill be back in I noticed he only ate ONE tiny thing , hours go by he doesn't come back because some drama is happening at the neighbors I can hear it from our house, he comes in said hes going to his car to rolll up and that he would be right back in I said fuck it and fell asleep waiting on him I woke up this morning his fucking food was untouched on the kitchen counter, talk about rude af. Ever since I been home today as soon as I walked in he said I'm going next door be back that was at 2:35ish he's still not back I called him once he didn't answer he called back like 5 minutes later and being mean as FUCK! I just don't know..