Am I insane?

Hubby and I are both 22, recently married but have been together since high school. We are on cycle 4 TTC. AF is due any day but I feel like this may have been our month. 🤞🏻🙏🏼

So my husband’s aunt has a stepdaughter who is trouble. She was raised by her grandmother who let her run wild and do whatever she pleases whenever she pleased and she is not turning out to be a contributing member of society (nicest way I can put that lol). Anyway, she has tried to run away with guys who are twice her age, mind you, she’s just now 15. On top of this, she is a compulsive liar, major bully in school, has stolen money from her 6 year old step siblings, her stepmom, my husbands grandma and parents, and I’m sure those are just things we know about. She loves to say things to get attention and because they had lined up for her to go to a boot camp, she has started saying she is pregnant. Of course no one believed her because, like I said, she lies constantly. But sure enough, she is pregnant.

No one knows we are TTC because we want to surprise our families. When I found out she is actually pregnant, a pit filled my stomach because I cannot stand her (I don’t have a tolerance for liars of people who are self-entitled) and do not want to share a pregnancy journey with her whatsoever. I know she will try to buddy up to me and just cause drama that I don’t want to be a part of at all. I also don’t want it to take away from DH and my first pregnancy and our parents first grand baby, etc. and I feel like her being pregnant will diminish my experience.

Obviously I know I’m not even pregnant yet, and I don’t know what she is going to do. So, please no hateful comments. I just need to put down how I feel since no one even knows we are trying.