Question please read: baby measuring big.


How many women had it where the dr told them they were measuring ahead but when baby was born, baby was smaller?

My dr told me I was measuring ahead and said I was likely to have a big baby since my son was big.

Back story: I had all the signs of preeclampsia with my son but my water broke before I could ever be tested. He came at 36 weeks and was 8lbs. I had him via c-section because he got stuck. He measured 8 but looked 10, so he was swollen.

This pregnancy I have none of those issues and my dr told me at the beginning I should consider vbac but I would have to switch dr because she cannot do it. Now she said I’m measuring big and I’m likely to have another 8-9lb baby and suggest c-section. I’m so torn. I really don’t want another c-section 😫 I would also like to note, her measuring is just fundal height not ultrasound.