plzzz give advice

so I had this ex boyfriend and it took me awhile to get over him. A little bit after I moved on I met a guy that I ended up dating for 6 months and I loved him a lot. He did some really really bad stuff to me that has permanently affected me and that I have to live with forever. Anyways, we broke up a little over a month ago and two weeks later he had moved on with a new girl. This new girl came at me claiming I was lying about what happened to me and that I’m doing it for attention and lied because I don’t wanna seem trashy. after he moved on me and my previous ex started talking again because he was there for me during the whole situation and he got me to like him again just to get me to do stuff with him and then told me he doesn’t want anything serious with me. I know this probably sounds complicated ha. But basically I’ve come on here desperately looking for advice because I am so heartbroken. Trying to deal and cope with what my recent ex did to me and the seeing pictures of him and his new girl sucks so bad. On top of that I got played and used by the guy that took me a whole year to get over. Idk it probably sounds like a lot but I have no idea what to do at this point because I wanna get over it all and be happy but its so hard and I never had to deal with something like this before. If you read this far thank you aha and please give me advice on what to do or how to get over everything because I’m having a really rough time and I had no idea where else to go