turning 18 soon, need advice

I'm turning 18 in less then a month. I've been an emancipated minor since I was 16 (living away from parents since 15), and me and my boyfriend have lived together since then. We have practiced D/s together and slowly built that relationship ever since I talked to him about wanting to explore the BDSM lifestyle 3 years ago. We are approaching on our 4 year anniversary in fall.

We have done every kind of research available to us, and plan on taking classes together after my birthday. My issue is that practicing BDSM prior to 18 is very taboo in the community, and we both want to be very involved in the community after my birthday, so Im nervous about about how we will go about everything. This may be less of a deal then it is but it's been on my mind a lot lately.

If any one as advice I would appreciate it!