Life vent

My boyfriend left me. We were together 4 1/2 years.

I was a SAHM and he was a professional.

I went from a bad marriage where I was a sahm also, for 11 years, to meeting him. Things moved fast, he was older than I am, he went on and on about being with me so we were. I loved him very much. He bought us a house that I was able to bring MY girls into and he loved them like his own. He gave me a monthly allowance and bought a car for me to use, anything I wanted he gave it to me. I never asked for much. I wanted the car in my name and he wouldn’t, I wanted to start a savings, he gave me just enough there was never anything leftover.

Here I am, about to spend my last $60 on groceries and gas. I feel broken, I feel let down. I will learn my lesson.

I am down now and absolutely don’t know how to take care of myself. I went from teen marriage to a 33 year old who has no skills, no job, and after this month no place to lay my head. My girls had to go live with their dad who has never really been in the picture, he’s a trucker.

I think about just ending my life but I love my girls too much and that’s a touch dramatic.

I’ve applied at over 30 places but bc I have no experience no one will give me a chance. I just need one break.

I was a fool to let what happened to me happen.

Learn from this stupid fucking lesson.