Help please

So I honestly have not been in the mood all month & my hubby has been keeping track. I feel bad, but I just have not been in the mood. Not sure if it’s my hormones, if it’s because I’m always tired or if I’ve been too busy with the upkeep of kids & life.

Today he asked if we could. I didn’t say no, but I kept telling him not now. He got upset. We were on the couch & I was lying down & facing my phone watching a video. He kicked my phone & yelled at me saying that “You better hope I don’t do anything stupid...” Don’t know what he meant by that. But that hurt me like no one & nothing else has ever hurt me.. I got up & finished the chores for the day (laundry, cleaning out both cars & cooking dinner along with cleaning the kitchen). He never thanked me for the meal & didn’t say sorry for what he did or said. He said that I should be the one who’s sorry for not fulfilling his needs.

As a Christian myself I understand that as a wife I need to be fulfilling those needs. I understand that sex & the intimacy of marriage is beautiful & set apart for marriage. Please help as I am struggling to bring myself to feeling in the mood. Should I see a doctor for this?