Is my house disgusting?

I discovered mosquito bites on my daughter today. My SO said it’s probably from bugs in our house because our house is a disaster and that’s what happens when homes are dirty: you get bugs and they bite you. He says I don’t clean and the house is disgusting.

For the record, I just left my job last week. I was working full time at home while caring for our 4 month old daughter. So housework fell to the back burner. This week, I am playing catch up because I have surgery tomorrow and will be immobile for a bit.

I make sure the dishes are done every day. I dust weekly. I vacuum and clean up as possible. I try to do a load of laundry a day. I don’t think our house is that bad. Yeah, it isn’t as clean as it was before baby. But it isn’t disgusting to the level of attracting bugs.

Here are photos I just took minutes ago. It’s not super clean and there is laundry on the table I haven’t had time to fold. But, the floors are freshly vacuumed and I just dusted the living room yesterday.

Do you think my house is “disgusting”?