Losing hopes and losing my baby😔


Hi everyone, just wanted to share my situation as I have found that I'm not the only one.

Today I had my second intravaginal scan.

The first one showed 6 weeks 5 days and a baby measured 9mm. My Hcg were 135000. No heartbeat.

This second one, 7 days later my baby measured 7 weeks 3 days and 11mm. No heartbeat.

Still having the pregnancy symptoms, very strong ones.

Tomorrow I have my appointment with my doctor.

Not sure what to do.

This is worst than anything else that I have encountered. Of the baby still growing how I'm gonna terminate this pregnancy.

Is like a slow death.

I have been praying but today I even didn't know what to pray for.

I have to go back to work tomorrow as I have been using a lot of my sick leave.

I live in a country far from home.

I'm destroyed 💔😢

I'm praying for a natural miscarriage and soon. This is killing me.

I'm puzzled. How come my baby still growing... Please pray for me🙏🏼