Husband plays video games all the time, I’ve had it

My husband recently started playing video games about a year ago. Within the past 6 months it has progressed into him ignoring our daughter, ignoring me, and ignoring household duties. He hasn’t lifted a finger to help me around the house in about 6 months. He ignores our daughter when she cries, and I am left to do my school work (I’m a full time college student), work, do all of the other household chores, and take care of our daughter with little to no help. He used to be the best, and so helpful. I’ve had talks with him, he doesn’t care. He ignores me when I talk. Tonight I asked him to watch our daughter while I took an exam. He told me that he had a game to play and wouldn’t be done until 11:00 PM. I told him my exam was due at 11:00 and I needed his help right then. He refused and told me to figure it out. I got so upset, I took his game out of the Xbox and snapped it in half. I feel horrible for reacting this way but I’m just at a loss of what to do. I’ve tried to talk it out, I’ve tried to communicate, he will not listen. I’m just so frustrated