Capsulizing my placenta?!

Suzanne • One ☀️ baby👧🏻2/14/17, one Angel 👼🏼Oct 2018, one🌈👶🏻 11/21/19 All conceived via IUI

So...I’m sure some have heard about this.

This is my second successful pregnancy (miscarriage last fall) and with my first pregnancy I didn’t think about doing it. I’ve read a lot of benefits of capsulizing the placenta, that it helps with postpartum and milk production as two of the main benefits. With my daughter I had such a struggle to produce milk, most of that might have been her lip and tongue tie problem.

I work in childcare and one of the new parents just told me she did it and had a doula do it for her for $200, even did it in her own kitchen! The concept seems so strange but apparently we are the only mammal who doesn’t ingest their placenta 🤷🏻‍♀️

Anyone else thought about this or have done it in the past??