Need weaning help/advice/tips/tricks!


My baby is 19 months and M-F nurses early morning (6am) before we get up & she goes to daycare & then before bed about 7pm and I don’t pump anymore. On the weekends when she’s with me all day we still do the early morning & before bed nursing but all day long she’s asking for milk and pulling on my shirt and I usually give in, especially before nap time😫. She’s home today so I’m trying the band aids over the nipple trick & telling her “mama’s boobies have a booboo” lol and it’s working, she understands that a band aid means you have an ouchie. I’m able to redirect her with water (she won’t drink any other kind of milk, I’ve tried) and she went down for her nap without nursing!

Now my question is, what do I do when my boobs start to get uncomfortable because they’re not being emptied? Do I pump just to relieve pressure?

And my other question, I was planning to just drop one feed at a time, I’ve got the early morning & before bed feed which are the main ones. Is that a logical approach? I didn’t want to just go cold turkey on her and not nurse at all. I was thinking tonight to give her her “night night milk” and then tomorrow morning when she wakes up at 6am and wants milk, I’ll redirect with water & pancakes (she loves those).