Nursing with a distracted baby


My baby is 19 weeks old and nursing has become so painfully stressful.

She is so distracted by everything around her I can hardly get her to nurse. Shes doing a lot of suckling for maybe 3 seconds then unlatched and freaks out and gets so angry that I cant get her to latch and she sits there screaming and crying in my arms.

If I try to offer her the boob knowing it's been a few hours she will get mad and scream and cry when I put my boob in reach of her face. ☹

The only way I can get her to eat today is by pinching my boob and squirting a little milk in her mouth and than sometimes she will get the motivation to latch and breastfed otherwise if I try and feed her while laying on my side she will roll away from me. She doesn't like to focus and is too busy looking around the room and doesnt like to stop to breastfed.

It eventually gets to the point when shes ready to stop and eat she is so hungry she has no patience and is so crabby.

It's starting to make me think I have a low supply or something.

I honestly don't know what to do. I wish she would take a bottle, but she doesnt. And the stress its causes me is starting to bring me down and feel depressed 😞