Breast feeding...?

Mel • 🌮❤️💬

Hey y’all!

I’m 36w today & I have a concern about my ability to breast feed. I have an 11 year old so it’s been a long time since I’ve been pregnant but I remember this late in my last pregnancy having enlarged rock hard breasts leading up to labor. They felt so full and so sensitive. This time around, I had extreme tenderness and swelling during my first trimester but then they seemed to shrink back to normal. I haven’t had any signs of leaking, sensitivity, growth, or that my body is getting ready to produce milk and I’m starting to get worried. Anyone experience this before? I’ve had other signs labor is nearing and I know typically milk doesn’t come in until after the baby is born but I just don’t know if I should be doing anything to help the process along before our little guy comes... Thanks in advance for any advice!

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Some women will have changed prior to birth and some will not. I never did and I successfully breastfed for 22 months, never touched formula. I also have breast implants. A very very very small portion (like 1%) of women are unable to breastfed. It’s a HUGE misconception that women don’t produce enough for baby or just can’t breastfeed. Formula is so readily available no days and the education is lacking SO much around breastfeeding (especially in health care providers) that there is this huge stigma about women failing at breastfeeding.Don’t over think it. Feed on demand, baby to breast as often as baby wants, stay hydrated, eat well and don’t judge your supply based on anything except baby’s happiness.


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Mine never felt any different after my first and I had an extreme oversupply with him immediately following the colostrum when he was born! Don’t worry mama!!♥️


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The only thing that changed about my breasts before the birth of my first was that my aeriolas got darker. I was livid because my mom SWORE to me that I would finally grow a couple cup sizes once I had a baby .... LIES. Anyways... I had no difference up until my daughter was born. Colostrum came right on cue then my supply followed quickly there after. Soon enough, I was pumping 10oz each time and leaking in between-- so an oversupply that I totally took for granted and accidentally let it dry up Too much. Eventually my body worked it out but I still only got "firm tender" breasts when I would accidentally miss a pump session. I ended up nursing my daughter for a year and a half. This time, again the only thing that has changed has been my nip color. We will see how this goes, but just know that it really doesn't mean anything if your breasts aren't changing yet because baby isn't here yet. 😁


Julie Lucas 🌈🌈 🌈🌈 • Jul 20, 2019
This is great to know. The only thing I’ve had was darken areolas too I was worried I might not be able to breastfeed


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Thats normal dont try to compare pregnancy as everyone will be different.


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