Today I'm a evil mother.

My son just turned two, and he still has to have a paci. I'm so sick of it, he would throw a fit anytime he lost it, he would get mad in car rides and throw it and then get even more mad that he did that so we would have to pull over to get it. It's just been a nightmare. And we have tried so many times to pull it. But it's hard when you have a VERY difficult child. People just don't understand how hard our child is lol.

Well lately he's been less dependent on it, forgetting it more often, leaving it in his bed when he wakes up, everytime we've had to wake him up, or checked on him while he was sleeping he hasnt had the paci.

He is down to one, and it has a hole in it, I mean the top is just barely hanging on, so I decided to pull it off.

It's just time, it's been such a pain and I know deep down he's ready too. Just pray that we can get through this 😅 he hasn't noticed yet, but I'm sure there will be a huge melt down when he does.

Idk why I'm getting negative comments on here, I didn't realize having a positive yet hopeful post would bring such strong opinions. I personally dont care if your child still has a paci, or how long you'll allow them to have it. Good for you. But this is a big positive step for us, and I really don't care for the negative opinions.