Try for vbac or not?

My son was a c section and he'll be a little over 2 when baby is born. I had a c section with him due to his size. The doctor was afraid he would get stuck at his shoulders. I was 39 weeks and hadn't dilated or effaced any and he also hadn't dropped down any.

He was measuring big and they said the longer I kept him in the bigger he'd be and after a big talk we decided to just schedule the c section. He was 8lbs 9oz 20.5 inches. I'm 5ft even and pretty petite. This baby will likely be bigger than him so based on that I'll probably have to have another one. I regret not just trying natural with my son but I was so afraid he'd get stuck, I think I was a little pressured into that decision by my doctors. I know now the risk are even more and I can't be induced so baby will have more time to gain more weight.

I had a rough time with my c section last time, my blood pressure sky rocketed in recovery (189/136 the last time I felt good enough to look up and see it) it's normally low. i also had a lot of bleeding and had to be in recovery away from my baby for 5+ hours.

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