Spotting and dates are way off


I should be about 10 and a half weeks according to my last period. However, I had an internal ultrasound Monday saying that I was measuring 6 weeks and to come back in two weeks. If there’s a heartbeat, it’s likely a viable pregnancy and my dates are just off. If not, likely a missed miscarriage.

The day after my internal us I woke up to what looked like blood in my underwear. Since then, I have had intermittent pink and brown spotting. Sometimes it shows on my pantiliner and sometimes just when I wipe. No cramping.

Anyone had a similar experience? Did you miscarry or did it result in a normal pregnancy? I know some spotting is normal but based on the results of my ultrasound I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that it’s probably a miscarriage.

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Posted at
I’m in currently in the same situation :( I’m supposed to be at 10w4d and my ultrasound says that the baby have 6w4d ! But i don’t have any pain or bleeding! I’m totally lost right now. I have to wait next week to pass and other ultrasound...


Dominique • Jul 29, 2019
Im sorry to hear that, hope you will feel better soon. Your so right to think that way ❤️


Hillary • Jul 29, 2019
Thanks for checking. Unfortunately I started to miscarry on Friday. Heartbreaking but I know my body knows best. Hoping for the best for you ❤️


Dominique • Jul 28, 2019
How are you feeling ? Did the bleeding and the pain result to a misc. ? I dont have feel anything for the moment. Hope your feeling ok ❤️


Posted at
This is my story as well. I should be 11 weeks and my babies stopped growing between 4-5 weeks and 5-6 weeks, but their sacs continued to grow until 8 weeks. Originally, my doctor thought my calculations were off, and started tracking my levels, a week later my levels started to come down, followed by no change in the U/S. I’ve been trying to come to terms with going through this again, but it’s hard. My spotting just now started and I’m scheduled for a D&C on Monday.


Hillary • Aug 1, 2019
So sorry for your loss 💔