I just feel so ugly compared to her.

My husband used to work with a very very pretty girl. He failed to mentioned upfront that she was so pretty so the first time I met her I was taken aback- almost as if he didn't want me to know.

He's often bragged about how hot this girl was to his current coworkers and him and his previous coworker once had like a 10 minutes long convo about drop dead gorgeous she was. We had gone out and I went to the bathroom and I heard them talking about her behind the corner and didn't come out until they were done. He once went through like every single one of her Facebook photos so I blocked her. I didn't snoop- we share a tablet and he forgot to clear the history. Now I see earlier this week he looked up her boyfriend twice, no doubt just to see her photos.

Meanwhile I have a giant skew nose (thanks dad), a lopsided smile, bad skin (thanks hormones) and really awfully fine hair. I feel like an utter monster compared to her.

Not much anyone can do- I've voiced my opinions and my feelings, I've tried to stop him from looking her up but it's all to no avail.