Cheapest Wedding Eveeer


ETA: THANK YOU to ALL the sweet comments! We are awfully proud and it was a blessing to see mama cry when she seen it coming down the isle. She didn't see any of it until then. For anyone wanting to know how we did it- Thrift store sun dress. My sister done her hair, make up and painted her nails. Car radio blared a song (Perfect by Ed Sheeran and Beyonce) while she walked down. Anyone with a camera phone can take your pics. We took real flowers off my neighbor's hydrangea bush to shake petals on the Isle. Called local feed store and asked to borrow 4 straw bales that we would care for and return the next morning. Don't ask for hay bc some horses will not eat it after people have sat on them. We used boards that were laying behind the garage to run between 2 bales and a stump in the middle for support. We used our own quilts (bonus points bc they were made by my grandmother and added sentimental value!) to throw over them. We put my great grandmother's doilies around the wood cake table. We borrowed the whiskey barrels for that as well. Were from Kentucky so it wasn't hard to find someone with a few. We also used some wood we happened to have laying around to build the arch. Idk about the people where yall are from but it wouldn't be nothing for us to have called around to farmers and asked if they had any useless lumber that we could get outta their way. We ended up cutting up a tree, that had fallen in my neighbors yard and he was happy to get rid of, to use to set the candles on, for the cake/cupcakes/punch stands and also to set flowers on the sides of our bench seats. All the greenery was pulled off our trees. You can go to cemeteries and find crazy amounts of flowers in the waste area! That saved a ton of money. But we didn't need many. Bouquet, in mason jars at the end of seating, on the arch. Also just wrapped some curtains we had around the arch. We used every string of Christmas lights I had to run around the set up bc it happened at 8pm. We had a cousin to do our cake for cheap. And got the cupcakes at Kroger. My aunt made the punch. She bought cake cutters and the bride/groom glasses at the mighty dollar. I took chalk paint and made their sign out of an elaborate old picture frame. Fireworks leftover from 4th of July. Marriage license was $30

My mother got remarried tonight. She told me 2 weeks ago that they decided to and were going to the courthouse because they had no money for a wedding...So my aunt and I threw together this small and simple ceremony in my yard for $130! That includes everything but the rings...and I mean EVERYTHING. The arch thing, seating, dress, cake, punch, decorations. Even the freaking marriage license! It wasn't the best thing ever but it was pretty (pictures do not do it justice) and mama was so happy!