Grandparents " favorite "


So my mom and dad have 1 child together which is obviously me. I have a 5yr old and currently 35wks. My parents are super excited for the new baby and baby/spoil my son. My dad has 4 kids from a previous marriage his oldest has 4 kids and his current gf is about 23wks along. I honestly feels like he hates me. Everytime he brings his kids over to my parents house and im there with my son, he gives me the ugliest looks and has told me before that my kids are my parents favorites. His kids are older 10/8/& 5yr old twins. He gets so mad when my dad gets mad at his oldest son bc he just runs around the house throwing balls , jumping around and they have lots of glass stuff and he tells his kids " lets go your grandpa doesn't want yall here " it makes me feel so bad bc he always takes his kids away from my dad when they fight i guess bc of me and my kids. He just makes me feel so bad bc i know my parents love his kids just as much but they're never really around bc he keeps them from my dad. My step brother has also told my dad to take his car ( my dads car ) away from me im using my dads car bc mines has been in the shop. It makes me feel so angry. He use to stay at my parents house and he was staying in my sons room he had when we use to live there and let his kids break my sons toys and leave spilled drinks and melted ice cream all over the floor. I just needed to rant bc hes going to be staying again at my parents for a while by himself and im there almost everyday and i really just want him to stop with his comments and ugly faces he gives me