Breastfeeding issues

I have a five day old newborn and am beyond frustrated. I got collastrum right after delivery and my baby was having that, the nurses would bring her to me every 2-3 hours and she was eating and it was fine . Then at home my right nipple started bleeding when she was nursing. I told all this to the pediatrician and about my frustration, she said take a break from breastfeeding for two days and supplement with formula. So I started giving her that every 3 hours which she’s been eating. I’ve also started pumping and I got a lot out of the left breast almost two oz. my nipples have been leaking too. However the right one nothing is coming out bc it’s sore from the bleed so I was told to give that one a break. Well now she isn’t waking up on her own to want to feed. I’m having to wake her up when she’s sleeping , I think bc what’s happening is she is filling up on formula. I’m worried she’s going to fill up on that and not breastfeed. But I’m at a loss bc when I just pumped both breasts nothing came out. When I try to get her on my boob she doesn’t really want it. She prob stays on maybe 5 min prob less but at the hospital she was better. I feel like the formula screwed up everything. My intention is to breastfeed but I’m

Also beyond frustrated. It’s also only 5 days I’ve heard you shouldn’t even pump this early. My milk only just came in. I’m also concerned because the right one now really doesn’t seem to be working at all bc that’s the one that bled and the lactation consultant told me to take a break from that one. But this is all about supply and demand. At the same time everyone keeps telling me feed her every two to three hours bc she needs to eat so it’s better to give her formula then continue to breastfeed and she doesn’t get enough but then loses weight. My husband hasn’t been much help. His extent has been waking up giving her a formula bottle and then going back to sleep. Then he puts her to sleep and she just wants to be held and the cycle starts all over again. I tried to bring her to my boob and she falls asleep. All I can say is why, why doesn’t society discuss the realities and hardships of breastfeeding??? It’s not all roses and sunshine.