Ankle injury

C 🖤

I fell down the stairs 6 days ago and hurt my ankle. It was swollen up massively and I couldn’t put any weight onto that foot or move the ankle/toes/foot at all. Hospital said was badly sprained and the X-ray showed a bit of bone was missing (a bit that normally sticks out at the bottom of the talus) but no bones were cracked or damaged otherwise so it couldn’t be classed as a fracture. I was put in a leg brace and given crutches to walk with, and was told gradually use them both less and less throughout the week to be fully rid of them both by the 7th day.

Tomorrow is the 7th day and I have done exactly that, but today I’ve woken up in agony. I had been becoming able to walk ok-ish and could move my ankle/foot/toes too, but today I’m unable to move my toes without getting a huge shooting pain down my foot and my ankle is swollen and stiff again with a constant dull ache pain that turns into a sharp shooting pain then I move it or put weight onto the foot.

Just wondering, has anyone who has ever had a sprained ankle experienced this before? Is it normal for things to get worse after initially improving? Don’t want to go back to the hospital and waste their time if it’s normal but I’ve never broken or hurt anything this badly so I have no idea!