Broken sunroof

So last night me and my friend were hanging out and I was sitting on her car roof like with the sun roof open and she was just standing through the sunroof opening. Well about an hour later while I was sitting on it it busted (I didn’t even realize I was sitting on the glass part) , immediately I said “it’s okay I have a job I’ll pay for it” (I work at a daycare). So we obviously got off, closed the sunroof and taped it with trash bags and drove home. I apologized multiple times. Well she went home and I went home and so this is the morning after. She’s just being such a bitch about it, (she still lives at home and her dad is an ass about having to do or pay for anything), (I don’t live at home and I pay for all my own stuff). but this morning she said “insurance is coming to look at it but if they don’t cover it and you don’t pay for it then I have to and I’m gonna be pissed I’m not kidding” and she’s more mad because her dad won’t let her go anywhere now and yelled at her. I understand but I don’t think I could’ve handled the situation any better like I’ve offered to pay for it (even though I’m 18 and have a shitty paying job and have to pay for my own things and they have money money like rich but it’s all in a savings account {that’s the kind of dad he is} and he complains ab having to take money out of savings when he could afford like 3 houses and 5 more cars, it’s just irritating but it is what it is) but I seriously don’t know what else I could have done, I’ve obviously never broken one before and it was obviously an accident. with how she’s acting makes me regret even offering to pay for it because I know if it were the other way around she wouldn’t have offered.

I am praying insurance covers it.

Am I being ridiculous or is she? Help.