I finally filed for divorce


No more tears, no more manipulation, no more lies, no more drugs, NO MORE!

My daughter and I deserve so much better and we will find it one day. My husband is addicted to pain killers currently but when it wasn’t opiates, it was alcohol or coke or spending money blindly instead of saving it. We are free from this toxic environment and I will never look back. This is going to be a long road but when we are finally free from all this, we will be able to live our lives once and for all.

I am a stay at home mom so I have been scared to leave in fear of not being able to survive without him but the fear of being married to him any longer finally outweighed the fear of leaving and I am DONE! It feels good to think that I will finally be able to sleep at night no worrying where he is or what he is doing.

I am enrolled in college currently and I plan on finishing my degree to become a nurse and get the hell out of dodge. He always told me I wouldn’t be happy without having the money he makes and the sad part is, I believed it but I don’t care if we live in a box today, we will make it! Please pray for us, pray I can continue to stay strong and pray that he gets help one day so he can be a father to our baby girl. That’s is all!