
This is long and all over the place.

I just needed to vent about my future mother in law.

Me, my fiance, and our 6 month old moved in with my fiance's brother and mother (it's his brother's place) in May. My daughter looks exactly like her father and I hear about it all the time from everyone, which I understand, they are twins. But any time my daughter does anything (even things I would consider normal baby behavior) his mom is like "oh she gets that from her dad, he used to do that." Like the other day my daughter was gesturing she wanted something, you know that open/close gimme gesture? She says, "oh she gets that from her dad, he did that." I spoke up then (I usually just nod) and was like don't all babies do that? Unbothered she went into another spew about it. I figure she doesn't mean harm, it's just annoying because nothing my daughter does can be her own or from me, it's just all her dad and when she's already his twin... I don't know, it just bothers me.

She also gives me unsolicited parenting advice. The biggest topic was that we should add cereal to her bottle when she was 4 or 5 months? I told her repeatedly that they don't recommend it go in the bottle because of choking, she was like "well my doctor on the base said I could," even though me and her son have reminded her that was 20 years ago. I think she started her boys off at four months too but I've told her they now recommend 6 months for solids. She also insists on barley over everything else. I was like okay, I can compromise there and try barley. It was literally the only thing not at Walmart, so I went ahead and got rice. She gave me crap about that, said she'd be constipated. She asked how the rice went yesterday, I told her my daughter didn't want to close her mouth so it just ran out of it and then she choked. Her response is, "That's because the rice is gross." *le sigh (I've heard barley tastes worse.) I'm pretty sure it was more so that my daughter was hungry, impatient, wanted a bottle, isn't used to a spoon, and sometimes doesn't want dethawed milk. But yeah sure its just gross.

She also comes in our room without knocking. I pump, I don't breastfeed anymore but I am still not super comfortable with being topless in front of people, I never have been. Feared locker rooms, changed in my friends bathrooms, etc. So I try to avoid eye contact if she comes in because she hears my daughter being loud and playing with her dad. Which is another thing, we could be having a cute family moment and she kind of ruins it by interrupting or taking/distracting my daughter and trying to tape it. Yesterday I had ice cream and my daughter kept reaching for it, so I got her baby spoon (first time using it BTW) and gave her a little taste of whipped cream and ice cream. I'd put ice cream to her lips before but she's always made a face at the cold. Yesterday she actually tasted it and wanted more. So I got another spoonful when my fiance (who's in our doorway) answers something his mom asks and tells her I'm giving the baby ice cream. She comes in our room, with her camera out, and tapes us for a second before TAKING THE SPOON from my hand and feeding her for her video.

She's also one of those people who will complain about you or what your doing by saying it to a baby, like to my daughter when I'm right there.

Honestly thank God she stopped kissing my daughter on the mouth. I told her father, you need to tell her to stop. Not even just for the usual reasons but she took up smoking again! Like do not kiss my child!

She told us we need to go out more so she can spend more time with her (she babysat while we went to a movie). But we're both here all day. I don't need to leave for you to ask to spend time with my daughter. (She uses my brother in-laws 3 dogs as an excuse because they're always in her room or following her. If she wanted her, she would kick the dogs out the room and play with her, rather than seeing her 10-20m a day when we are right across the hall and then complain about it.) Then she blamed me for my daughter being tired and crying when we went to the movies saying I need to get out the house because she's too attached to me. Too attached or are you still a stranger?? 🤔 That was the first time in she's had her alone longer then 20 minutes, if that.

Quite honestly unless she quits smoking, I don't want my daughter spending numerous hours with her. She's a baby, have the decency to not come in and kiss and pick her up after a smoke break.