

My gp found blood in my urine and test was redone a few weeks later to confirm and there was still blood. So I got a referral for a urologist. They are supposed to call me but never did. I called them a couple of times and it was well we are still sifting through referrals. By this time a couple of months have passed and I'm up for a doctor's appt. I told them the problem. The nurse was to pour into looking into it. I haven't heard anything yet. At this recent Dr appt I had to do a stool prick test and it came back that now I have blood in my stool. So now I have to go see another specialist. I'm concerned now that my health is getting even worse and that something is wrong with me and thus urology place is setting me further back from getting better. I have yet to find out why I have blood in my urine, I just know it's there. I have vitamin D3 deficiency an I'm also anemic. And it's just seems like everything is happening at once.