Been a rough 2019 😓

So before 2019 started I told myself, “THIS IS GOING TO BE MY YEAR” well boy, I wish I had know this was going to be my year for everything to just fall apart and shatter. About a month or 2 ago, my landlords didn’t want to resign my lease, so my fiancé and I had to move rather quickly, with not much time, since then it’s all been so stressful, and today, it was a year and almost a month at my job... they decided to lay me off due to getting rid of my position... I just want a break. 8 was just about to get everything where it needed to be, o finally got dental insurance, and was going to deal with my messed up teeth, and o was going to fix my car issues... I guess god has other plans to break me down, and try to rebuild me 😔😢 I just needed to vent 😭 please pray for me !