Is an STD why I can’t get pregnant?

Ok so no judgment here please, also I’m practically hysterical while typing this up. So 7+ years ago when I was 20-21 and stupid I slept with someone (fwb) and got chlamydia. I don’t remember all the details from back then but I know I had abdominal pain and went to the ER and they ran all these tests, thought it was gall stones, appendicitis and other things. Eventually did the pap test and I was told that’s what they thought it was and that they’d call me with the results. Still left with a prescription for antibiotics and pain just in case. Sure as shit it was chlamydia, I told the guy to get tested and never talked to him again. I’ve been really careful since then. I didn’t have sex for over a year because I was so damn scared. However now, my fiancé and I have been ttc for MONTHS and nothing.. every month disappointment after disappointment and I can’t help but feel like it might be my fault. I feel embarrassed, less than and just really really stupid. Also, I don’t know how long I had it before I started taking the antibiotics to treat it. I’ve turned my old room at my parents upside down trying to find any old documents from that Er visit and I can’t. It doesn’t help that my fiancé is gone for 3.5 weeks in the middle of the ocean for work and I just got my period yet again and I’m sad and emotional because he’s gone and I’m also not pregnant.

This was really long and all over the place, apologies.