I’m so tired of working my ass off to afford the same things others get handed for free

I have a shitty minimum wage job, I’m in high school so I can’t do much better. A girl I know who is one of the most entitled people I have ever met got a car for her birthday from her grandparents last week. I know I sound so bitter but I can’t even have my license yet because I need to have money saved for six months of insurance. This girl has never worked a day in her life and gets everything handed to her. I’m 18 and have been buying everything I need for myself including essentials like pads and school supplies, things my mom wants to buy me but can’t afford. What gets me is this girl complains that her family is poor when they live in a two story house have never struggled financially and her parents have good jobs that pay a lot of money (I’ve been close with the family for years so I know) but they’re not making her pay for gas or insurance. I remember she got new jeans as a gift once and they didn’t fit her and she THREW THEM AWAY. She could have donated themor returned them, she threw them out. Her family never saves leftovers, it’s not like they don’t have space in the fridge they just don’t like leftovers and again they could give them to other people or help the giant homeless population in our area but they throw all that food away. I’m so sick of entitlement I’m just so irratated