Don’t know how to tell my husban I don’t want to TTC anymore

Daniela • Mom of two👼 07/17/2019 / 09/30/2019 and my 🌈 11/05/2020

Today is 3 weeks from my D&C . There are some days I don’t even want to get up of bed. My husband wants to TTC right away but I am not really sure i want to. I never wanted kids but last year we said we should just let it be. If it happened then it happened. But from the minute I saw the positive i was in love with my baby and it is been so hard. I can’t do this again and I am afraid to tell my husband because he is sad but he doesn’t get it... he just says we will have another baby and there is no way a new baby can replace the one I lost.

I am 34 and he is 40 and this would had been our first child.