Friend problems?

This might make me sound so petty and maybe even jealous (don’t want nasty comments) but I need to rant for a sec because sometimes I feel like the friendship I have with my “best friends” is so one sided. The two girls who are supposed to be my best friends honestly make me feel like it really is...Anytime we hang out it’s because I text them and make plans. I get we are adults and either have kids or work full time or whatever but they literally never contact me to hang out whether it’s coffee, lunch, dinner or even a movie at home. And lately it’s been worse. And like If they are going through a hard time I check up on them and see how they are doing but do I hear anything like that from them when they know I’m going through the toughest time and struggling....nopeee. I get one of the girls is a mom...totally get that’s tiring and busy but doesn’t stop her from going out with any of her other friends...and my other supposed best friend is pregnant and I get that she’s sick, tired and not feeling well but tells me when I’ve tried to make plans with her that she’s just too tired or sick and can’t but then I find when I tried to do a girls night at home she’s busy the next several weekends with some other people?! I get her being sick and not feeling well but really... I mean it may not be the same but I’m going through the

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process and between having to give myself injections and all the meds making me super sick and just being on an emotional hurting roller coaster just frustrating...and I’m not a super emotional person when we hang out...just want some girlfriend time....but also honestly most of the time when we do hang out it’s talking about them.... ok rant over I feel better