Can I sue? How do I solve this..

L • Mommy to two boys and a little girl 💕

The hospital I go through is world famous and supposed to be amazing. They were for most of my life until my official diagnosis with an anxiety disorder and depression. Ever since then no one takes me seriously or will listen to me.

The past two months I have been suffering with severe stomach issues. I have been in the bathroom all day everyday getting sick both ends (I'm sorry tmi). It is affecting my quality of life. I am missing work and missing precious time with my kids as I am always in pain, feeling sick, and in the bathroom. A month ago I was getting sick when I vomited blood and got super dizzy and had horrible chest pain. I called a nurse on call and she advised me to go straight to the ER. I did and all they did was a chest x-ray and they told me it was just my anxiety and never explained the blood.. I was still really sick so they kept me overnight for observation. During my stay overnight I did not see a single doctor and the nurse saw me maybe 3 times only to check my vitals then they sent me home.

They instructed me to follow up with my PCP. I did that and explained to her the severity of my condition and how I'm miserable all the time. She would not listen to my concerns and kept asking me about my mental state. I would try to redirect her from this and explained I am already being treated for my mental illnesses but she kept circling back to my anxiety. After "consulting" another doctor she came back in and said "maybe its IBS but I think your anxiety has a lot to do with it as I see you've been through a lot lately" ( I had a miscarriage 2 months ago and was in the hospital for depression 2 months ago). I explained that I've battled with anxiety and depression my whole life and never experienced this. All she did was instruct me to ingest more fiber and follow up with psych. She refused to do further testing.

I am being discriminated against because of my mental illness. I am not receiving adequate or equal care because everyone assumes my physical conditions are made up due to my anxiety. If I did not have these mental illnesses, they would be handling the situation a lot differently.I have been really suffering for months and no one will listen or help me. What can I do about this?? It's not fair