Finally my birth story!!


(Its not crazy but its special to me💖)

So let's start how my pregnancy was. I was working as a housekeeper till I was 32weeks but it started getting hard so I switched to breakfast which wasn't much easier because I had to unload truck and I did that till I was 37weeks. My pregnancy was pretty easy I just had a lot of anxiety about miscarrying. I lost our first baby at 8weeks but obviously everything went well!! My due date was July 2nd 2019. I had been 70% effaced and 2cm dilated since 35weeks and I tried everything to help speed up the process more but by 37weeks I was only 2cm and 90% effaced so I got my membrane sweeped. Wasn't that painful either. So I was told that they wouldn't induce me till 41weeks (hospital rules) I knew at my next appt if she still showed no signs of coming we would talk about getting induced.

On July 1st 2019 I went in to get my contractions monitored at 7:45am 😭I was hooked on the monitor for 10min and then a false fire alarm went off so all the staff were confused and we all had to go outside so set back 😂 came back in and was monitored for 20-30mins they noticed her heart rate dip for every contraction so my ob came and said "well looks like you could be getting induced today!" My heart was beating so damn fast! She told me what was happening took me back for an ultrasound and noticed less fluid than normal. I had a choice to not get induced but I wasn't going to take a chance of something worse like her heart stopping each contraction. From there of to the house to shower and get the bags! Also my husband somehow knew I would have her Monday and he was right!

I get to the hospital around 11am and started pitocin at 12 and immediately went to 4cm. Those contractions didn't hurt but when they broke my water at 2:30pm shit started getting real at around 3pm! Also it felt disgusting getting my water broke 😂 but anyways I had never been in so much pain!!! I went through back labor and I had to move the whole time or else it was worse so I was on the ball and they had to put a belly monitor on me instead because I moved to much for the wire one. The whole time my husband was sitting on the chair that rolls around and bounced on that while I bounced on the yoga ball😂At around 4-4:30pm they moved me to the bed with the peanut ball and had me on my side to help baby flip so I wouldn't have back labor but it was terrible I didn't have any relief also I did it all natural also I was at 7cm. So at 5:45pm I told my sister to call the nurse! I was pushing and couldn't stop myself!! They checked and I was almost 10cm things went by so fast for me being a first time mom! But you best believe I was yelling through contractions so they had me start pushing it was happening my ob barely made it!! I was sreaming my head off I kept saying sorry because I was yelling when pushing I couldn't hold my breath and push! I kept apologizing non stop 😂 it was scary though I had my husband,bestfriend,and big sister all with me. I couldn't see my sister because she was by my head. My husband was holding my leg and my bestfriend was next to them. They both kept looking at me with a scared worry face and I will never forget it thinking about it makes me crack up😂 they all where there from the moment I got a room and till after I had our daughter!

At 6:01pm our beautiful Selena Rose Q was born 8lbs 1.6oz and 20 1/4 inches she is a big girl! But so was my husband and I was a pound and inch smaller than her!

Ugly photo but I was still in pain and I was emotional holding my rainbow baby

So I got a second degree tear and a tear in my right labia it was terrible! They stitched both but my labia swelled so much the stitches busted so it had to heal without them! And I couldn't really sit down till without leaning back till I was 3weeks pp nor walk right. Now I'm 5week3days pp and still am in some pain and I'm my clit to it weird but hopefully gets better soon. So I set out everything I wanted! I was able to have a natural birth and I'm still exclusively breastfeeding!💖 I would do all the pain again for her! Shes my everything and seeing my husband with her is amazing I didn't have my dad but she will have hers

She has my mean mug and looks just like me as a baby except she had less hair then me and my husband did 😂