How long did you wait after having your first child to start trying for your second?

Our little one is about 7.5 months old. We know we only want two kids and struggled with fertility to become pregnant. 3 years TTC, lots of fertility meds and appts, 2 successful <a href="">IUI</a>’s, 1 missed miscarriage before welcoming our daughter 12/30/18. I just turned 34 and want to have our family complete sooner rather than later. We would like to have our kids closer together. How long did you wait between welcoming your first and trying to convince your second??

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I waited until after 12 months purely because I didn’t want to risk my milk supply being effected before then. If that wasn’t so important to me it would have been sooner 😊 I say whenever you feel ready to!


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My daughter will be 2 next month and we just started trying again!


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Got pregnant when he was 7 months old. Ended up a chemical pregnancy. Then got pregnant when he was 9 months. Now currently 15 weeks.


Pr • Aug 11, 2019
I was able to get pregnant while breastfeeding and having an irregular period due to BF by using OPKs.


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My son was 15.5 months old when I got pregnant with my daughter.


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I started trying at a year. I stopped nursing when my daughter turned one, next month found out I was pregnant. They have a 21 month age gap and it’s close and tough at times but I like the close age gap. I waited the full year because by then I felt my body was recovered enough and ready to be pregnant again.


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We started trying when my son was 9 months but weren’t able to conceive until he was 13 months.


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OK so I have 4 kids year of births 1998,2001,2013,2019


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It took us 4 months to conceive our first. We started trying for our second when she was 10 months old. We&#x27;re on our 5th month trying. Kinda confused as with my first, we weren&#x27;t actively trying, just guessing when ovulation was. This time I&#x27;m tracking everything, and it&#x27;s taking longer 🤷‍♀️


Er • Aug 11, 2019
Thank you! That&#x27;s encouraging to me!


Brittney • Aug 11, 2019
We got pregnant with my son on our honeymoon and that was the first time we had had sex so we figured when we wanted to try again it would be the same. It took us 5 months to conceive our daughter. I’m 13 weeks now. Keep trying and don’t worry. Baby dust!! 😀


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Not anytime soon 🙅🏼‍♀️ maybe in 10-13 yearsI have almost 1 year old and it’s like having triplets at the same time 😩😭 TOO MUCH to handle