
so i was away and my ex (who cheated on me and only used me for sex) called me saying he missed me and wanted to get back together, at first i wasn’t considering it but then i fell for it. we later hung out a week later and he came to my place and we went to a party, we both got drunk and he tried to have sex in the bathroom but i said no. HE LITERALLY WHIPPED OUT HIS DICK AND ASKED TO FUCK!! i said no because we were both drunk and i don’t wanna move to fast. he then later started making out with a girl right in front of me, i got upset and left. i got back home and about an hour later he called me right before he called me he had three girls over (as i was told by one of my good friends that was there) i stoped talking to him about a week later and i think i did a good thing right? i need help with that idk if that was a good idea even trying to go for him again i’m so tempted to lmao. the sex he had before was soooo good but still.