Recent split

So me and my ex just broke up after a almost 8 year on and off relationship. It had ups and downs and I mean some really ugly times but we always come back to each other. He left this time and within a day was already moved in with another girl and is now in a relationship with her and taking care of her kids... now let me mention I have a 8 month old who he has been her dad since pregnancy, let me add he is not her bio father and her knew this.. he still wanted to be her dad. Promised he would no matter what, even if we split he never wants to hurt her and he loved her so much and now he says she’s not his and he’s got another family to care for.. y’all I’m so hurt and lost.. there’s clearly so much more to the story but that’s just a little.

Please any advice to help get past this and have motivation for the future. How to get over him and let him go. I still want to know what he’s doing and posting. It’s sad. I know. Any help, advice, criticism whatever may give me something to get through this is welcome.

Thanks ladies!