Is our relationship fixable?

My boyfriend has been kind of off with me for the past few months, he’s started to go clubbing again and gambling, we’ve also not had sex in 2 months which makes me think the worst you know?.

Anyway, we’re expecting our first baby together, unplanned. We are both still young both turning 22 soon, went straight from partying to literally staying in every night. I feel like I’ve settled down but he hasn’t, we’ve been on and off through this whole pregnancy and he keeps promising change and he has to a certain extent but I feel like it’s wrong of him to choose going to a club rather than spending time with me- I haven’t seen him at all this past week and it just makes me think what is he up to.

Do you think the reality has just hit him that we’re having a baby or do you think he’s just an asshole that won’t change? Because I really feel like I’ve been patient he seems to listen when I bring it up and he’ll be all fine and back to normal then a few days later it’ll go back to what it’s been like what can I do to give him a wake up call.

I’ve felt super alone lately since I have no friends to talk to about this kind of stuff.

I at least want to try and make it work since I do love him so much

Any advice?

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